Brilliant history and thought experiment. The opening completely hooked me. I love the question, What is truth’s heroine’s journey? I can already tell this will stay with me all day.

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Thank you very much Julie! Let's hope Truth's arc has a happy ending.

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If it's anything like the heroine's journey, there is no ending. It's a cycle that spirals into the underworld. 🤔 Hmmm. That sounds like a helix! And like the bottom of a well. I love how mythic truths come around again and again.

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Analisar a trajetória da arte evoluindo sob a perspectiva do tempo helicoidal, diferenciado do ponto de vista linear - o tempo como uma seta lançada para o futuro -, traz novos elementos ou detalhes possíveis de explicar nossa confusão cognitiva neste século 21, onde os fluxos de informações caminham em volumes e velocidades incríveis, comprimem o espaço-tempo, a ponto de falsidade e verdade se tornarem indiscerníveis, tornando tudo passível de suborno. De Demócrito à Gérôme, que em 1895, pinta a Verdade como "assassinada pelos mentirosos e atirada no poço escuro", as tintas da situação da verdade se embaralham. Já em 1898, Édouard Debat-Pousan a retratou tentando sair do poço, mas sendo cruelmente agarrada e impedida pelos seus algozes. Aqui em 2024, Bansky (?) a representa se arrastando de volta ao poço, humilhada. Melhor impossível. Confesso que também eu, busco o "artista da história", mas não o faria com tal brilhantismo. Genial.

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¡Muchas gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leer esto, Cicero!

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Honestly, I would not call the disinterest in the hyper narcissism of society apathy, or a confusion of truth. The greatest single contributor to not giving a fuck is the power mad assertion that one must. Well, why?

An example: If someone is determined to surgically alter themselves in support of a trend, using coercive force to hammer people into acceptance of that trend will not achieve those aims, it will not result in genuine acceptance, it will merely bury a resistance. Buried resistance isn't apathy. It isn't confusion.

If such conditions continue long enough, those who hold buried resistance may well stop giving a fuck, not out of apathy, but because there is no point to investing time and energy in a society that won't respect ones unique point of view.

It may appear to be apathy, but it is not. It is a practical solution.

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I agree it may only appear as apathy but that's bad enough on a large scale in a long term because it makes other people think that no one cares so they really stop caring themselves. The institutions, or those who are against that, will also see it as apathy and "tighten the screws" safely so the resistance will always stay buried because people get used to things, adapt well and are ready to wait for "the better times". Ultimately, confusion breeds apathy or at least mild indifference, you can't be confused for too long.

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Perhaps, yet the condition, in this case support for surgical alteration was forced on people who openly resisted at the outset, therefore the tightening of the screws are not dependent upon open resistance. I think it is possible to see this in an entirely different light, that the overt hammering occurs most stridently when there is a vocal resistance, as the champions of surgery believe they must continue their crusade.

So, if then it is accurate to reframe the question in terms, not of apathy or confusion, but of a silent resolve to not relent, then you have a direct explanation for many occurrances that are poorly explained in this modern world.

Another example?

After 1,000+ years of Christian domination, pre-christian practices and beliefs continue unabated. Not only did christianity fail in forcing the populace to accept it, it also provides a very neat example of how absolute power does not result in the traction the controllers lust after.

The point is that buried resistance is not a short term phenomenon. It does not go away under pressure. If anything, the pressure causes buried resistance to become a deeper phenomenon.

Thus, not caring if churches burn, or surgeries maim is simply a refusal to fight a meaningless open war. The deep ways continue, despite it all.

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