I was a first-wave online-native and i have been thru the same journey and transformations that you outlined here

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*does mushrooms once*

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was fragmented long before internet emerged into being -yes, very fascinating for others, less so for myself

humans don't need much, after all they've other humans around, that's quite enough

now, true, gone completely bonkers, as not much ума, с которого сходить

I vastly enjoyed the read I must say- thank you

PS much to my chagrin the platform that was the best of them all, for me,- wasn't updated in time by some server, and thus got deleted completely. so yeah..things still disappear just not what we'd want to

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the worst of all was getting my World of Warcraft character wiped on a private server

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“confession, ascension, transcendence”

Can’t help but notice the first letters spell cat.

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